Vivian in Afternoon Reset – PlayboyPlus
Vivian heads to her hotel room in this second feature for an afternoon reset after time at the pool. Vivian poses effortlessly on set in Miami, Florida, with the photographer, Henrik Pfeifer. My best piece of sex advice? Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, she says. I feel the most sexy right after working out! For Vivian, posing nude was a risk worth taking. At first, I was afraid as I have never done it before, she says. Once I realized how normal the human body is and that we shouldn't repress it, I felt so liberated and sexy! I was able to tap into my innermost femininity and flourish. Vivian first discovered Playboy online. There were photos of beautiful women but not in an overly erotic manner. It was light, sensual, and perfectly captured feminine beauty, she shares of that time. My experience has been wonderful. Henrik is very talented! See more from Vivian here on Playboy Plus! exclusive photos and videos from PlayboyPlus.