Kit Rysha in Delicates Day – PlayboyPlus
It's laundry day in Spain with the fan-favorite model Kit Rysha, as she returns with this brand new feature from the photographer, Cassandra Keyes. Kit is a three-time International Playmate and is most known on Playboy Plus for her time as our August 2019 Muse of the Month. I'm half Filipina and half Italian, says the model. I was born in the Philippines. At eight, I moved to Thailand; at thirteen, I moved to Italy. My life is always changing. That change is what makes me grow. Hanging up her delicates on a balcony, Kit poses for the camera with such ease. I have a bit of modeling experience, she smiles. I'm very glad to be a part of Playboy! Make sure to check out all of Kit Rysha's sets only here on Playboy Plus! exclusive photos and videos from PlayboyPlus.